Stock Churchyard and Garden of Remembrance

Click HERE to download the Diocese of Chelmsford's Churchyard Handbook. Note that it applies to all churchyards in the Chelmsford diocese and similar rules are common across England.

All Saints’ Churchyard is one of the most attractive and cherished places in the village; a place of beauty, of remembrance and of peace, where many come to pause, reflect and be still.

It is a hallowed spot, entrusted to the church for the benefit of the whole community, and as a treasured resting place for the dead. It is, therefore, important that it is treated and cared for in a manner that visibly shows reverence and respect for those who are buried here. For this reason, it is necessary that certain rules are observed.

  1. The Chancellor’s Regulations are to be observed and are displayed on the notices table inside the church.
  2. It is permitted to turf or grass seed new graves, and bulbs may be planted for low plants.
  3. Please do not remove turf / grass from established graves.
  4. No plastic or artificial flowers are permitted in the Churchyard (except Remembrance Day poppies which should be removed after two weeks).
  5. Cut flowers and wreaths placed on graves at funerals and thereafter should be removed as they begin to wither.
  6. No loose vases, jars, pots, photographs or other objects may be placed on or near a grave or on an ashes plot. These might be removed if they are found on a grave or ashes plot.
  7. No shrubs or plants over 12 inches high are allowed on any grave. Nothing may be planted anywhere else without permission.
  8. Kerbs, railings or other surrounds around graves are not permitted nor are chippings on graves.
  9. Please take rubbish away with you.
  10. The Parochial Church Council cannot take responsibility for tending individual graves. The tidiness of a grave is the responsibility of the family of the deceased.

If you are planning to do anything in All Saints’ Churchyard, please email churchwarden Pauline Collier at

Thank You