Easter Prayers 12 April 2020
Heavenly father, thank you for your invitation to renew our faith and trust in You through venerating the death and resurrection of your son, Jesus Christ. We are reminded of the depth and breadth of your love for us and we pray that the spirit of this resurrection remains in our hearts and minds throughout the year. May Your love permeate our being and propel us to love ourselves and one another without judgment or fear as Jesus did.
We pray for Christians throughout the world to be revitalized in their faith and hope today. May church leaders be blessed with renewed confidence and an inner calm that comes from faith in you. Inspire them in humility for their missions. We pray for The Anglican communion, Archbishop Justin and family, our local Bishops Stephen and John and our local clergy team and all others who are dedicated to this church and its mission.
God of Grace, hear our prayer
May the spirit of the season touch the hearts of all world leaders. Grant them wisdom to be strong in their determination to combat the COVID-19 as a united front. To focus primarily on the health and wellbeing of humanity and to put unknown financial concerns on the back burner.
We pray for humans throughout the world to respect social distancing and lock down measures imposed to help eradicate this pandemic. We pray that countries not able to provide proper health care for those who have the virus will get the necessary equipment, and we pray for all those living in communities unable to follow social distancing advice due to their living situations.
God of Grace, hear our prayer
We pray for our families and loved ones; all who live and work in our communities, for businesses being directly affected by the pandemic, and for the other churches in our village and their members. We give thanks for the supportive nature of our village and for all our blessings.
Help us to embrace your unchanging love and live a generous and compassionate life even in these times of earthly unrest and Coronavirus.
We pray for all those working tirelessly to maintain a sense of normality for us. All shopkeepers, staff and volunteers, broadcasting companies, sanitation workers, electricity and fuel providers, and food industry workers.
Our prayers are for the front-line workers in NHS, public safety and those providing care and support for the less fortunate.
God of Grace, hear our prayer
Thank you for the unfailing love you hold out to everyone. Comfort and heal those in sorrow, need, sickness or any other trouble. May today be a reminder to all who suffer that they are not alone. As God was with Christ, Christ is with them. May this knowledge give them courage and hope in their distress and be a blessing on all who minister to them.
We offer our prayers for those who have asked for our prayers:
Suzanne Jameson, Betty Lazell, Jackie James, Margaret Ruffle, Phillip Ramsey,
Gillian Toby, Beatrice Harris, Angela White, David Plumbley, Roy Jameson, John Macro, Onique Rebeugeot, Pam Shuter, Heather Shepard
In a moment of silence please add your own personal partitions.
God of Grace, hear our prayer
Jesus’ death was God’s ultimate invitation to us to be in communion with Him. A bridge was established between God and us through Christ’s humanity. May all who grieve find comfort in the knowledge that we are not alone, Christ is always with us.
We prayer for those who have recently departed:
Roland Webb, Alan Williamson, Joy smith, Les Boyd, Kath Mayhook, Margaret Stock
Rest eternal grant unto them O Lord and let light perpetually shine in them
God of grace, Hear our prayer