All Saints' Church, Stock, Essex (parish of Stock Harvard)
Easter 2025 at All Saints' Church in Stock
You are invited to All Saints' Church in Stock and will be welcome at our services and events – bring your family and friends or come on your own. Whether it will be your first time at church or you have been before, we look forward to welcoming you!
Palm Sunday 13 April at 10 am: Liturgy of Palm Sunday, Procession & Mass.
Wednesday 16 April at 10am: Said Service of Holy Communion.
Wednesday 16 April at 11am: Stations of the Cross. Using our beautiful images, we pray as we make a spiritual pilgrimage with Jesus in his Passion.
Maundy Thursday 17 April at 7.30pm: Mass of the Last Supper, followed by the stripping of the Altar and the Watch.
Good Friday 18 April at 11am: The Three Churches’ Walk of Witness, from St Joseph’s Catholic Church via All Saints’ Church and ending at Christchurch.
Good Friday 18 April at 2pm: A traditional service for Good Friday, including the Veneration of the Cross.
Easter Sunday 20 April at 11am: Holy Communion for Easter Day.
Easter Monday 21 April at 2pm: Easter Egg Hunt with raffle, games and refreshments Tickets £5, call 07909 522763.
Regular services
The Sunday Service at All Saints' Church in Stock is held at 11am with Hymns and Communion.
A Said Communion Service is normally held on Wednesdays at 10am. But we regret there will be NO SERVICE on Wednesday 2 April. Mail
A Service of prayer will be held on the first Sunday of the month at 6pm.
* Food bank donations will be accepted on the first Sunday every month following the Sunday service (about 12.05pm).
Our heartfelt thanks go to The All Saints' Orchestra from Springfield for their superb spring concert at All Saints' Church in Stock on Saturday, 22 March. More than 60 people were enthralled by your performance. We send special thanks to your Conductor, Peter Cross, and we hope to see you again.

Our next concert is Saturday 28 June at 7.30pm with "Allegro Sing The Alphabet". Enjoy the well-loved local choir Allegro. a midsummer night's dream!
Steps into the future
All Saints' Church in Stock has taken two major steps in 2024 to safeguard our Grade 1 listed building while making it a better and flexible location.
We have repaired the roofs over the Nave and Chancel, halting the risk of large-scale failure while tackling damp problems across several areas. see HERE for a fuller update.
Now we are well into a major rewiring and upgrade of all aspects of our electrics. This involves the replacement of frankly suspect cabling, switchgear and components across the main body of the church and the tower.
We already have a new cheaper-to-run lighting system with LEDs. Easy controls include not just variations for the main services, but others for a meeting area and an enhanced "stage" set-up for the village school and visiting choirs.
We are also planning to upgrade our heating, losing the old ruby-red glow but with new far-range infrared heating that is still among the most efficient but without emitting any light.
After all this we still have to redecorate, and shall alsohave to tackle (again) the holes left in the spire by woodpeckers - for which we shall launch an appeal shortly.
All Saints' Church is the parish church of Stock Harvard, in the village of Stock. This ancient building is Grade 1 listed and sits beside a large graveyard, a garden of remembrance and a glebe - which is a field used for the dinner dance, flower festival and fete that is one of the biggest events in the village calendar. Please see the following introduction about our worship. And click here to find us.
Introduction to All Saints' Church
The first written evidence of the existence of a church in Stock is in 1232, and it is reasonable to suppose that a church, consisting of a nave and a chancel, was erected here in the early Norman period.
The building, and the generations of Christians that have worshipped here for hundreds of years, witness to the timeless truths of the Gospel. Christ is as present with us today as he was present when All Saints was first built and the villagers first worshipped within its hallowed walls.
Stock is a village about a mile north of Billericay and 6 miles south of Chelmsford. It used to be called Stock Harvard and the ecclesiastical parish is still known by that name.
All Saints is the village parish church where Christians of different backgrounds from the village and surrounding area come together in the company of all the saints to worship the living God.
We stand within the catholic tradition of the Church of England, and at the heart of our life is the celebration of the Mass. Sunday by Sunday, and during the week, we gather to do what our Lord commanded us, to receive the body and blood of Christ in Holy Communion and to hear God speak to us through the Scriptures.
As members of his Church we all seek to follow Jesus, through whom we can enjoy a living relationship with God.
If you would like to find out more about us or to discover more about the Christian faith then please get in touch, or come and visit us.
We are committed to Safeguarding Children, Young People, Victims of Domestic Abuse and Vulnerable Adults.
The PCC has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding, which may be found on the Church of England’s website at
Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is Judith Sabine, who may be contacted at church or by email at
Churchyard rules
The graveyard at All Saints' Church and its Garden of Remembrance (in and around which ashes are interred) are subject to rules imposed by the Diocese of Chelmsford. Click HERE to download the diocesan Churchyard Handbook (in pdf format) that applies to all churchyards in the area. Similar rules are common across England.
On this site: Stock Churchyard and Garden of Remembrance